If a graphic object is activated in the compilation area, the Properties palette is divided into Appearance and Transformation areas.       
To edit a required item, activate it in the preview area. The outer highlighted area is identified by red sizing handles. With the aid of the focus the entire surface can be moved or adjusted proportionally in size.
In addition green nodes point on all polygon standard formats (and with lines) mark the corners. All polygons can thereby be edited as well in that individual node points are marked simply by clicking them at which point they can be moved or deleted. New node points can be inserted at any place by a double-click. A surface object must consist of at least three points; a linear object of at least starting and end points.   
The following setting options are available in the Appearance area:
Drop-down menu
Fill color
Defines the fill color of a graphic item.
Only available when the focus is positioned on a standard form (drawing item).
Drop-down menu
Border color
Defines the color of the margin/frame of a graphic object.
Only available when the focus is positioned on a standard form (drawing item). 
Drop-down menu
Line thickness
Defines the thickness of the margin/frame of a graphic object.
Only available when the focus is positioned on a standard form (drawing item). 
Check box
Apply shadow
If the check box is selected, the button is given a shadow.
Clicking the Options button opens the Shadow Settings window. You can customize the shading according to your requirements.
The following setting options are available in the Transformation area: 
Input field
Pos. X
Defines the horizontal position of the marked object in the compilation area.
Input field
Pos. Y
Defines the vertical position of the marked object in the compilation area.
Input field
Scale X
Defines the width in percent.
Input field
Scale Y
Defines the height in percent.
Check box
Lock aspect ratio
If the check box is selected, the Scale X and Scale Y values of a graphic object (i.e. width and height in percent) can only be adjusted in the lock aspect ratio. If a value is adjusted, the other value automatically adjusts.
Input field
Defines the opacity of the graphic object.
Input field
Rotates the selected item.
See also
Customize Tab

Properties of Graphic Objects