If the background is enabled in the compilation area, the Properties palette is divided into the Background, Background Audio, Animation and Interaction areas. The Spreading area is only available in normal editing mode.


The Background and Animation areas are not available for Smart3D menus.  
If a Intro Video is displayed in the compilation area, the Background and Background Audio areas are also available. The Linkage area is also available in Advanced Editing mode.
The following setting options are available in the Background area:  
Drop-down menu
Specifies whether a picture or video should be imported into the background of the template or whether the background should be a solid color. In the default settings, the Predefined background entry is selected that provides every template with a suitable background.
If you select the Picture file or Video file option, a window opens in which you can select the required file. The path to the selected file is then displayed in the selection area.
The number of drop-down menus that are displayed for detailed settings depends on the option selected.
Slider/Input field
Moves the selected picture or video to the correct position. Detailed settings (e.g. aligning the position of the same picture in the intro video and on the menu pages) can be performed easily with the aid of the input field.
Background pictures are placed on the screen without black borders.
Only available for background pictures and videos.
Defines the detail settings of the background video. The Select Start Position window opens.
Only available for background videos. 
Drop-down menu
Defines the desired color as the background color.
Only available for background color.
The following setting options are available in the Background Audio area:
Drop-down menu
Defines an audio file as background music or disables the background music.
If you select the User-defined option, a path appears for selecting a required file.
The Predefined Audio option, which is stored for each Animated 2D and Smart3D template with the appropriate scoring, is selected in the default settings.
Defines the detail settings of the background music. The Background Audio window is opened.
The following setting options are available in the Animation area:
Input field
Defines the duration of animation for the respective menu.
Check box
Fit to audio duration
If this check box is selected, the respective menu is displayed over the full playback duration of the selected background audio file.
In the Interaction area you can specify whether the menu responds to input when playing back the disc. The following drop-down menus are available: 
Highlight color
Defines the color used to highlight marked buttons.
You can also specify the Opacity in percent.
Activation color
Defines the color used to highlight enabled buttons.
You can also specify the Opacity in percent.
Autorun action
If desired, it specifies a video title or chapter to automatically start after a timeout. As an alternative you can also rotate through the pages of the menu. 
No automation is selected in the default settings (i.e. the None option is enabled).
Not available for Smart3D menus.
Defines the timeout duration after which the selected automation begins.
Not available for Smart 3D menus.
The following drop-down menu is available in the Spreading area: 
Title/Chapter number per menu
Defines the number of titles or chapters that are shown per menu page. The number per page is freely selectable as long as the maximum number for the selected menu template is not exceeded.
If the Evenly entry is selected, Nero Vision divides the number of titles or chapters equally over the menu page. For instance, a total of eight titles are divided to four on a menu page.
If the Standard setting is selected in the default settings, then the titles and chapters are automatically distributed so that the maximum number of selected menu templates per menu page is achieved. For instance, in the case of eight titles, and depending on the capacity, six might be positioned on the first menu page and the other two on another.
The following setting options are available in the Linkage area:   
Drop-down menu
Link to
Defines to which page of the menu the intro video should link to.
Drop-down menu
Defines a transition for the link, if desired.
Opens the Transitions window.
Depending on the selected transition you can specify the detail settings here. You can also specify the duration of the transition; a period of one second is selected in the default settings.
See also
Customize Tab

Properties for Background and Intro Video Palette