The Disc/Project palette is divided into the Disc Settings, Project Settings, and Button Numbering areas.   
The following pop-up menus are available in the Disc Settings area. 
Drop-down menu
Defines the title that is played first after inserting the disc into a player.
Only available in Advanced Editing. In normal editing mode, the intro video is automatically played or the title menu is displayed. 
Drop-down menu
Title Menu
Defines the menu that is displayed when the Title button is pressed on the remote control.
Only available in Advanced Editing. In normal editing mode, the title menu is automatically displayed.
Drop-down menu
End action
Defines whether the menu is displayed again after playback of a title is complete (enabled in the default settings) or whether the next title (by number) is played automatically.
Drop-down menu
Additional folder
Nothing only saves the pictures in the slide show.
Original pictures saves the pictures in the original format as well. Original pictures are saved on the disc in the ORIGPICS folder.
HTML browsing gallery creates an HTML version of the slide show that can be displayed on any computer with a browser. You can display the HTML browser gallery by opening the INDEX.HTM file on the disc.
PC slide show creates an executable file on the disc; this can be opened on any Windows computer. The executable file for the computer slide show has the name slideshow.exe.
Only available if a slide show has been inserted into your project.
Check Project
Checks the menu for unlinked or overlaying buttons (title and/or chapter), for orphaned menu pages as well as for videos and/or slide shows of the project that are not linked to the menu.
A detailed overview of problems with a short error description is listed in a window.
Only available in Advanced Editing.
The following setting options are available in the Project Settings area: 
Drop-down menu
Number of guides
Inserts each a further horizontal and vertical guide line into the lattice in the compilation area or removes lines.
Nero Vision creates an even lattice network. However, the lines can be moved as desired with the mouse and can be positioned as desired in the compilation area.   
Check box
Never use black thumbnails
If the check box is selected, Nero Vision ensures that the thumbnails of the buttons show the first frame of the linked video title and not merely a black picture.  
The following check box is available in the Button Numbering area:  
Restart numbering on each menu page
When this check box is selected, the button numbers will start with 1 on each new menu page. When the check box is cleared, the buttons are numbered continuously throughout the menu.
This box is selected by default in the default setting.
Only available in normal editing.
See also
Customize Tab

Disc/Project Palette