The timeline contains a number of tracks which are rendered from bottom to top. New pure video tracks and combination tracks are added above the current top track. New pure audio tracks are added below the recent bottom track. Double-clicking a track’s title column selects the name so that you can rename it.     
You can delete empty tracks via the respective entry in the context menu. The function automatically deletes all empty tracks in a timeline. In any event, the default tracks always remains.  
The following tracks are available by default:
Master Effects
Contains the master effects. Effects applied to this track are always rendered to the resulting video output of all tracks.    
The Master Effects track is always on top of a timeline. It cannot be renamed or deleted.
Video 2
Contains the video clips and pictures of the second track.
Video 2 and Audio 2 are associated or linked by default.
Audio 2
Contains the audio files of the second track.
Video 2 and Audio 2 are associated or linked by default.
Video 1
Contains the video clips and pictures of the first track.
Video 1 and Audio 1 are associated or linked by default.
Audio 1
Contains the audio files of the first track. 
Video 2 and Audio 2 are associated or linked by default.
Contains pure audio files (e.g. for the use of narration clips).  
Contains pure audio files (e.g. for the use of background music).  
See also
General Handling on Timeline Tab

Track Handling in Timeline