The Properties palette in the upper right of the screen shows the properties of selected or highlighted objects you dragged and dropped to the content area of your project from the My Media palette or Effect Palette. The specific properties of the single transitions and effects are displayed here and the basic effects of pictures, audio clips, and video clips are listed by default.    


Some of the functions mentioned here are restricted or not available in the Essentials version. You can always upgrade your Essentials version at to get the full version with all the functions.
If you want to edit an object you dragged and dropped to the content area, it has to be selected and the timeline slider has to be positioned on the clip. Otherwise, all setting options on the Properties palette remain gray.
The following basic effects are available:
Audio Level
Standard audio effect that allows you to adjust the audio volume of a respective clip.  
Available for audio and video clips only.
Anchor Point
Sets the position of the anchor point of the clip. You can either choose a predefined position by activating one of the Corner buttons on the right or select your own position in the input fields on the left. The center point is selected by default. 
Available for video clips and pictures only.
Positions the clip at the desired position or sets it horizontally or vertically centered. You can also position a selected clip in the preview area in the upper left of the screen.
Available for video clips and pictures only.
Scales (enlarges or downsizes) either the whole track or selected key frames by entering the desired percentage into the input fields. The Fit to screen button is enabled by default; you can disable it for scaling.  
The lock is closed by default, horizontal and vertical scale can only be adapted proportionally. Click the icon to unlock and give different values.
You can also scale a selected clip in the preview area in the upper left of the screen.
Available for video clips and pictures only.
Selects the level of rotation by the number entered in the Rotation input field: positive for clockwise and negative for counter-clockwise.  
You can also rotate a selected clip in the preview area in the upper left of the screen. Click the lower left corner of the preview frame and keep the mouse key pressed while you drag it to the required level.
Available for video clips and pictures only.
Adapts the transparency either of the whole clip or – with the help of key frames – of defined positions.  
Available for video clips and pictures only.
Additionally, you can easily drag and drop more or optional effects from the Effect Palette to a clip. All additional effects are listed below the basic effects in the lower area of the Properties palette. If multiple clips are selected in the content area of your project, the same effect is assigned to each of the selected clips and listed in each clip’s respective list of effects on the Properties palette. Effects are rendered top to bottom. You can modify the order of optional effects per drag-and-drop function.
Clicking the  Nero Vision icn enlarge 18014398812653963 Properties Palette button at the left side of any effect’s headline expands an extended area which shows the respective effect’s setting options. You can adjust these individual properties. The following setting options are always available:
 Nero Vision icon%20visible 9007199918139787 Properties Palette /  Nero Vision icon%20invisible 9007199918143243 Properties Palette
Enables or disables additional effects temporarily. If you activate the button for one of the basic effects, it will be performed in its default setting (e.g. Opacity = 100%).
Check box and controls
Use key frames
Select the check box to add a key frames track for the respective effect below the respective main clip on the Timeline tab in the content area. 
As long as you haven’t chosen individual key frame positions on a track, the effect settings are valid for the whole clip. Once you created single key frames, effect settings are valid for chosen positions. A single key frame at the start and at the end of the clip is always added by default.  
You can add, select and/or delete single key frames with help of the controls. (Only available when the Use key frames check box is selected.)
Click the Create key frame button to add a key frame to the chosen timeline slider position. Click the Go to the next key frame/Go to the previous key frame buttons to select the key frames on the timeline. If you click the main button again, a highlighted key frame is deleted (Delete key frame).
Additionally, you can choose from three interpolation methods. The Linear interpolation method sets a constant alteration rate from single key frame to key frame; this method is set by default. The Bezier interpolation method sets a smooth step-up from key frame to key frame that softly fades away. The Hold interpolation method abruptly changes to a chosen value without gradual transition.   
Removes the effect from the item in your compilation.
Not available for basic effects. 
Only one transition can be applied to a video clip or picture at once. If you drop a second transition, the first transition is replaced. Clicking the  Nero Vision icn enlarge 18014398812653963 Properties Palette button at the left side of any transition’s headline expands an extended area which shows the respective transition’s setting options. You can adjust these individual properties. The following setting options are always available: 
 Nero Vision icon%20visible 9007199918139787 Properties Palette /  Nero Vision icon%20invisible 9007199918143243 Properties Palette
Enables / disables a transition temporarily.
Input field
Displays and defines the duration of the transition.
The duration is set to one second by default.
Defines if a transition is aligned more to the left (end at cut), more to the right (start at cut), or if it stays centered between two clips.
A transition is centered between two clips by default.
Removes the transition. 
You can also press the Del key on your keyboard to delete a selected transition from your compilation.
See also
Video Editing Screen

Properties Palette