Double-clicking any item in the media area or in the content area opens the Preview or Trim window. Two tabs are available in both windows. You can use the setting options in these windows to pre-trim or trim audio tracks and video clips as well as pictures in your timeline.  
On the Metadata tab information like file name, file size, or the storage path is displayed. Depending on the media file type you selected, the setting options on the second tab are adapted accordingly. A preview or waveform view is available on all three item tabs.
Click the OK button in the lower right to save the changes and close the window.
On the Video and Audio tab, you can shift the current position by dragging the timeline slider on the time scale. Clicking the buttons in the left-most and right-most position of the time scale moves the scale. You can set desired Mark In and Mark Out points by moving the respective buttons directly on the time scale or with help of the input fields below. Keep the  Nero Vision btn%20slip%20tool 9007199918365835 Preview and Trim Window button pressed and move the currently chosen length on the time scale to find the best cut from the full video or track.
The following setting options are available on the Video and Audio tab:
Zooms into the time scale view or zooms out to give an overview.
Jumps to the Mark In/Mark Out position on the time scale.
Jumps to the next or previous frame.
Begins the playback of the video or track.
Jog wheel
Navigates through the preview on a frame-by-frame basis.
Input field
Mark In/Mark Out
Defines the start/end position of the active video or track.
However, files on the time scale left of the Mark In and right of the Mark Out remain fully available for editing.
Input field
Shows the display duration of the selected item.
If in the Trim window you change the duration to a new length that is longer than the available free space on the respective timeline track, an information window offers you to either overwrite or move the following clip.
Make Subclips
Creates subclips from your video clip or audio track. The whole source clip stays available after pre-trimming. The resulting subclips are listed below.
Only available in the Preview window.
The following setting option is available on the Picture tab:
Input field
Shows the display duration of the selected item.
If in the Trim window you change the duration to a new length that is longer than the available free space on the respective timeline track, an information window offers you to either overwrite or move the following clip.
See also
General Handling on Timeline Tab
Storyboard Tab

Preview and Trim Window