The Nero PiP Effects window is opened after clicking the Nero PiP button, with the Template tab being displayed. It allows you to choose between various Nero Picture in Picture Effect templates and to watch an animated preview of them.    


The Nero PiP EffectPack 1 is available as a single add-on or with the Nero Creative CollectionPack 1 which is included in the Nero Multimedia Suite Platinum HD and Nero Video Premium HD. If you have Nero Vision Xtra or the standard Nero Multimedia Suite installed, the Nero Creative CollectionPack 1 including the Nero Pip EffectPack 1 is not part of Nero Vision. You can always obtain the Nero Multimedia Suite Platinum HD, Nero Video Premium HD, the Nero PiP EffectPack 1 or the Nero Creative CollectionPack 1 at
The following setting options are available on the Template tab of the Nero PiP Effects window:
Template selection
Displays the available Nero Picture in Picture Effect templates and allows you to choose one. The templates are divided according to the number of elements, i.e. placeholders, within the respective template.
Displays an animated preview of the Nero Picture in Picture Effect template you have selected in the template selection area.
Drop-down menu
Choose background
Displays the available backgrounds for the Nero Picture in Picture Effect template you have selected in the template selection area and allows you to choose one.
Only available if backgrounds are available for the selected Nero Picture in Picture Effect template.
On the Settings tab of the Nero PiP Effects window, you can define the insert setting options for the Nero Picture in Picture Effect templates.
The following option buttons are available on the Settings tab:
Duration/Insert mode
Includes the Duration input field and the Insert mode drop-down menu.
The Duration input field allows you to define the duration of the selected Nero Picture in Picture Effect template. Every Nero Picture in Picture Effect template has a default and a minimum duration.
The Insert mode drop-down menu allows you to choose between three insert setting options. They determine how the Nero Picture in Picture Effect template is inserted into the timeline.
Use gap: This is the default setting. Inserts the template into the gap to the right of the time cursor.
Only available if the gap has at least the length of the template you want to insert.
Overwrite: Inserts the template according to the duration you have selected, without adjusting its length to the gap. If the template is longer than the gap to the right of the time cursor, the video/audio/picture files or parts of the video/audio/picture files to the right of the template are overwritten by the template.
Shift: Shifts the video/audio/picture files to the right of the time cursor and positions it after the template.
Auto fill gap
Inserts the template into the gap to the right of the time cursor. The duration of the template is automatically adjusted and cannot be manually modified.
Only available if the time cursor is placed in a gap that has at least the length of the template you want to insert. If the time cursor is placed at the end of the last video/audio/picture file in the timeline, the default duration of the template is used.
See also
Inserting Nero Picture in Picture Templates
Nero Picture in Picture (PiP) Effects

Nero PiP Effects Window