When you drag a clip from the media area to a track in the timeline, the clip’s duration is displayed. The duration is detemined by the timescale setting – the opacity setting is set to 50% so that the objects underneath are visible. The preview area in the upper left of the Video Editing screen temporarily shows the frame at the position of the insert marker instead of the frame at the position of the timeline slider.     
You can drag multiple video clips or pictures from the media area to a timeline track. The dropped items are then arranged successively and aligned to each other.


If other clips are linked to a selected one in the timeline (like a video clip with audio), the linked clip is also highlighted. You can detach the link via the Unlink Audio & Video entry in the context menu. Vice versa, if one independent video and one audio clip are selected, you can apply a link via the Link Audio & Video entry in the context menu. Both clips in a link are affected when you trim, move, or copy. It is not possible to link multiple audio tracks to one video.
You can insert clips to the timeline in various combinations. The following basic rules or consequences apply for dragged objects:
Video with audio
When dropped in a combination track, video and audio are added. 
When dropped in a video track, video is added and audio is ignored. 
When dropped in an audio track, audio is added and video is ignored. 
Video without audio
When dropped in a combination track, video is added and audio stays empty.
When dropped in a video track, video is added.
When dragged over an audio track, a Forbidden cursor is shown.
Audio without video
When dropped in a combination track, audio is added and video stays empty.
When dropped in a audio track, audio is added.
When dragged over a video track, a Forbidden cursor is shown.
You can insert clips to and edit clips in the timeline in various ways. The following basic rules or consequences apply for clip handling:  
Selecting clips
Clicking a clip selects and highlights the respective clip in the timeline. 
Linking and unlinking clips
If clips are linked to a selected one in the timeline (like a video clip with audio), the linked clip is also highlighted. Both clips in a link are affected when you trim, move, or copy. 
You can detach the link via the Unlink Audio & Video entry in the context menu. Vice versa, if one independent video and one audio clip are selected, you can apply a link via the Link Audio & Video entry in the context menu. It is not possible to link multiple audio tracks to one video.
Fitting clips into gaps (Shifting)
If necessary, the width of a dragged clip is adjusted to fit into the gap it is dropped to. In this case, the end of the clip is truncated. 
To fit a clip into a gap without cutting it, keep the Shift key on your keyboard pressed while dropping the clip. All objects in all tracks to the right of the insert marker’s position are shifted to the right. The offset is according to the duration of the dropped clip.
This way it is also possible to divide a timeline clip by dropping a new clip in the middle of the existing clip. The right part is shifted to the right together with all other track objects to the right of the insert marker.
Moving clips (Copy and paste)
A selected clip can be moved on the timeline track or between tracks. Basically the same rules apply for moving as for inserting per drag-and-drop function. 
Selected clips can be copied to the clipboard (press the Ctrl key on your keyboard) and pasted to another timeline position (press Ctrl key on your keyboard). The clips are inserted at the position of the timeline slider. If you preselect no other track, the copy is placed into the same track as the original.
Trimming clips
A clip is added in full length (or in its pre-trimming length if you have trimmed it before). 
The default length of a picture is 4 seconds. You can trim a clip down to a minimum of 1 frame and to the maximum of the respective media file. To display left or right trim cursors, hover your standard mouse cursor over the sides of a selected clip. A preview of the potentially first or last frame is shown in the preview area. Double-click any file to open a Trim window in which you can trim the item on an exact frame by frame basis.
If two clips (audio and video) are associated with each other, both objects are trimmed.
Deleting clips
Selected clips can be deleted by pressing the Del key on your keyboard. Press the Shift + Del keys on your keyboard to remove selected clips and to also shift all remaining clips to the left.  
See also
General Handling on Timeline Tab

Clip Handling in Timeline