Some of the functions mentioned here are restricted or not available in the Essentials version. You can always upgrade your Essentials version at to get the full version with all the functions.


The basic effects of video clips, pictures or audio files and the additional effects you added are customized the same way.
The following requirement must be fulfilled:
The desired files are displayed in the Video Editing screen.
To customize the properties of single effects, proceed as follows:
Select the file with the respective effect you want to edit in the content area.
Click the Properties palette.
The list of basic effects and all additional effects added to the file displayed. Effects are rendered top to bottom, you can modify the order of optional effects per the drag-and-drop function.
As long as you have not chosen individual key frame positions on a track, the effect settings are valid for the whole clip.
If you want to create single key frames that will only enable the effect settings for those positions that were chosen:
Select the Use key frames check box in the effect’s headline.
A key frames track is displayed below the respective main clip on the Timeline tab in the content area. Additional controls are displayed next to the check box on the Properties tab in the media area.
Position the timeline slider on the timeline and click the Create key frame button to add a single key frame.
The key frame is displayed on the key frames track.
Repeat the previous step to add more key frames.


If you want to delete an existing key frame, select the respective key frame and click the Delete key frame button. Use the buttons to the left and right (Go to the previous key frame / Go to the next key frame) to navigate from key frame to key frame.
If you want to (temporarily) disable an additional effect in your compilation, disable the option button left of the effect’s name in the headline. Enable the option button once more to activate the effect again.
Click the button at the left side of any effect’s headline.
An extended area is expanded which shows the effect’s individual setting options.
Adapt the respective effect’s settings in the expanded area to your requirements.
The changes are adjusted in the content area.
You have customized the properties of single effects in your project.
See also
Making Movie

Editing Effects